Hello everyone!
I’m Nicola, the owner of FotoStrobo.
Film photography has always been an important part of my life. But it really started in 2009 when I bought my first film camera. Since then, I have mainly been shooting on film and I have created a photoblog as a long-term project. I shoot a lot in nightlife and on the street. Check it out if you want! http://nschmid.ch
I’ve always had a fondness for film cameras, not only for photography itself, but also for the camera as a tool and beautiful piece of design and engineering history.
It has always been a dream of mine to run a small shop where I buy and sell stuff. Since cameras are the only thing I really knew much about, one day I decided to just do it.
The result was not a physical shop, but at least a very cool looking webshop in my opinion, which I run out of my 14 square meters workspace/studio/office.
Another reason to start the shop was to deepen my knowledge about analogue cameras and photography. To really get a deep knowledge about it you have to work with the material and not just read about it in the internet. This shop gives me the opportunity to do so.
I also love working on cameras to give them back the glory and spark they deserve.
So if you are looking for a new analogue camera or would like to get into the analogue world in general, I would be happy to be your partner.
I hope you will find a great camera to add to your collection or one to begin your journey with film.
I will feel very proud if you pick one of my cameras.
Have fun browsing through my shop. :)
Feel free to contact me:
You can contact via contact form or follow me on Instagram. (hit me up in German or English)
Have a great day
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